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Custom unique animations
at your disposal for a cheap price.

IMAGE CREDIT : unsplash

Custom Animation

From complex facial rig animation to general character
locomotion- we create everything from scratch, no preassembled
libraries, everything is made per the order.

Cheaper Options

Cheaper options are available if you need animations on a budget. We can use a pre-assembled library to create your anims at a cheaper price, if requested to fit a budget.

Simple or Advanced

From 2D stop motion animation, to three dimensional advanced live
animation, we can do it all. Don't believe us? Check with us right now,
by submitting your job request.

Starting Price


Minimum price for animation jobs, note this is USD.

learn more

2D/3D Animation

We have access to over 30 different animators, all ranging in different expertise. We will match you with the most compatible and proven animator according to your task.

The process

Send through a quote request alongside your job specific details and we will get back to you within 24 hours with a quote and delivery timeline. (We may require more information to generate this quote/timeline.)

How does it work?

A proven qualified animator will work alongside you and/or your team, during the design phase. Then the animator will create the work and send regular updates,-to ensure the task is going the way you desired.


Have custom animations for your project and stand out from the crowd. We all know when someone uses the ALS.


Frequent questions about motion capture and AI generated animation.

How much does it cost?

What type of Animations?

How long does it take? 

Who is Specpixel Entertainment?